Te Araroa day 51

The day started with gravel road to forest, then forest road. Forest of mostly eucalyptus trees, very tall and straight, past felling activity stripping trunks.
Onward through forest up to Bald Hill, without trees funnily enough, and a big mast. I was very windy being blown off the track at times. I stopped for a bit behind building sheltered from the wind for a wee snack.

View of Bluff Hill, The END is in sight.

Continued down from the mast on forest road, coming across this serious gate.
Felt like i was coming out of a maximum security secret location. I found the spikes protruding from the front of the gate a little excessive, more like something from mad max 2.
Back off road and into muddy forest, hard to keep out of it.
Arrived at Martin's Hut, which is an older 4 bed hut, already occupied by 3 NOBOs.
I had been feeling really good over the past hour or so, and was already considering continuing on and doing a double day, adding another 17km to the 29km already completed.
While stopped at the hut we worked out there was going to be a total of 10 at the hut which sleeps 4, so camping would be a requirement, and the forecast was for heavy rain overnight. So decision made, I would press on.
It was already 5pm and I figured I could do the 17km in 4 hours, hopefully arriving at the Colac Bay Tavern before they stop serving dinner.
I arrived at 8:59pm and all they could do for me was a bowl of hot chips... and beer of course.
Long day, 47km, but body felt surprisingly good, after walking for 12hrs across 3 peaks and lots of technical terrain. 
Nice to have snuck in a big day before the end.


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