
Showing posts from February 24, 2022

Te Araroa final thoughs

I have run out of South island, reach Bluff after nearly 10 weeks walking this magical island.  I feel proud and thankful to call myself a New Zealander and be able to have this experience during these difficult times locally and globally. I have mixed emotions, excited to finish what I had considered and planned for many years, but also sad it's over, although ready to return as I have missed Narelle, Aidan and Tara as well as my awesome friends and my life in Auckland. I have been overwhelmed by the support I have received from family, friends and colleagues and together we have raised over $10,000 toward the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand, and I hope some greater awareness of the importance of mental health particularly during these difficult times. This adventure has certainly given me time to improve both mental and physical health which I hope to bring back to my life in Auckland. Its often said a trip like this will change you, I don't think it has, but it has g...

Te Araroa day 55

Garmin Connect The weather turned and what a beautiful blue sky day for my final day to Bluff. 35km. I bought a celebratory whisky to enjoy at the end, its a small bottle of Cardrona New Zealand Whisky. Felt appropriate after a few celebrations on the journey. - sharing whisky and coffee at end of day on queen Charlotte with Melu & Nike - top of Waiau Pass, whisky slushy with the St Arnaud team, Anne, Dave, Kerry, Dale, Kirsten, Nicki, Peter and Holly - stag saddle, celebrating highest point with Jane and Alex The walk to Bluff starts with a nice trail by the estuary. Followed by a long stretch of noisy road. I did pass an old church on the way, which must be the farthest south. I do have a love of old wooden churches.which can be found dotted around New Zealand..I should write a book about them one day. The last 6km of the Te Araroa trail finishes with a trail round the Bluff, offering beautiful vistas west and across to Stewart Island. ...

Te Araroa day 54

Garmin Connect Otatara holiday park to Invercargill was a short an uneventful day, just 7km on the side of the road. Really just a rest day, or delaying the end. Lucky it was not the day i planned the big push to the end, it was a little wet when i left, and remained for most of the day, so was nice chilling in Invercargill and even managed to go to the movies to keep out of the rain. Some great old building in Invercargill, churches and masonic lodges, very Scottish. And of course visited the awesome motorbike museum. Perhaps I won't get an electric motorbike after all. A moto guzzi or Indian might be next.