Te Araroa final thoughs

I have run out of South island, reach Bluff after nearly 10 weeks walking this magical island. 

I feel proud and thankful to call myself a New Zealander and be able to have this experience during these difficult times locally and globally.

I have mixed emotions, excited to finish what I had considered and planned for many years, but also sad it's over, although ready to return as I have missed Narelle, Aidan and Tara as well as my awesome friends and my life in Auckland.

I have been overwhelmed by the support I have received from family, friends and colleagues and together we have raised over $10,000 toward the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand, and I hope some greater awareness of the importance of mental health particularly during these difficult times.

This adventure has certainly given me time to improve both mental and physical health which I hope to bring back to my life in Auckland.
Its often said a trip like this will change you, I don't think it has, but it has given me a greater appreciation for myself, who I am, the things I have done in life and the opportunities ahead. Its provide me time to reflect, plan but mostly just be, which we often don't find time for in our busy lives.

I was expecting emotional ups and downs during the time, highs as well as lows. I can honestly say there have been no lows. I have loved every minute. Which has reenforced my positivity to life and the desire to continue to focus on the positives, for which I am blessed with many.

I have been lucky with the weather and my body has done me proud. I guess it could have been a lot worse with bad weather and aches and pains, but I will happily accept my positive experience, I deserve it.

I would also like to thank Narelle, Anne, Aidan and Tara for supporting me and each other in my absence.


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