Te Araroa day 55

The weather turned and what a beautiful blue sky day for my final day to Bluff. 35km.
I bought a celebratory whisky to enjoy at the end, its a small bottle of Cardrona New Zealand Whisky.
Felt appropriate after a few celebrations on the journey.
- sharing whisky and coffee at end of day on queen Charlotte with Melu & Nike
- top of Waiau Pass, whisky slushy with the St Arnaud team, Anne, Dave, Kerry, Dale, Kirsten, Nicki, Peter and Holly
- stag saddle, celebrating highest point with Jane and Alex

The walk to Bluff starts with a nice trail by the estuary.
Followed by a long stretch of noisy road. I did pass an old church on the way, which must be the farthest south.
I do have a love of old wooden churches.which can be found dotted around New Zealand..I should write a book about them one day.
The last 6km of the Te Araroa trail finishes with a trail round the Bluff, offering beautiful vistas west and across to Stewart Island.
Finally arriving at Stirling point with the iconic sign post.
Time for a celebratory dam and some time to reflect.
The whisky is 64% and nearly burnt my esophagus. Unfortunately i had no water left and forgot to bring ice. Oh well, its only the first dram that hurt, helped reduce the pain in my feet.


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