Te Araroa day 49

Garmin Connect The night at Telford campsite was just a little too much on the stormy side of discomfort. I do like a good 'Stormy, stormy night', but alone in the middle of nowhere it is cause for concern. Unfortunately, when i pitched the tent is was a beautiful afternoon, so i had not paid too much attention too the depth of the pegs, or indeed using all the pegs to ensure optimum resistance against wind and rain. I woke about 2am with the side of the tent folding in and a small river running through and along the floor of tent. Minor concern, but not too worried, i and my sleeping side of the tent was still dry. As i investigated i also realiaed my head torch was low on battery, so if there was an emergency, like the tent blowing away, i would not beable to see. Not good. so i put the torch on charge and tried to get back to sleep, cozy in my bag, listening to the sounds of nature. I did survive the night and woke to a bleak morning, Dreich as we would day in Scotland. ...