Te Araroa day 48

Aparima hut was close to full, Jane and Pip had arrived last and stayed in the older hut with 3 beds, while the other 5 of us stayed in the newer 6 bed hut.
3 sobos, 2 nobos and 2 just checking out the area in semi-retirement.
I believe this section was the longest uninterrupted forest, 18km under the canopy, is seems lush with strong healthy looking trees and diverse undergrowth, moss, ferns, and fungi.
Check out this little guy. not sure what it is, but unusual colour.
After stopping at the lower wairaki hut for lunch (14km, 4hrs) the track continues in the forest, climbing to just over 1000m. 
I reach this helpful graffiti on the trail marker, thinking, understandable i had reached the top.
I stopped, enjoyed the moment, and checked in with Internet, before pressing onto the downhill, only to discover there was still more up. A final steep climb, broke out of the forest with a great view south.
The last point above 1000m on the trail. 
Following the ridge down and right to the river and the Telford Campsite, total of 24km done in a bit over 7hrs.
Alone at the campsite, which perhaps means i could be alone till Bluff, those ahead look to be doing big days similar to me, so difficult to catchup, likewise for those behind.
Washed in river, filled up on water and pitched tent. Soon discovered i am not really alone. Sandfly rain on tent.
Once zipped up, they can't get me. Challenge when trying to cook, but will worry about that later.


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