Te Araroa day 49

The night at Telford campsite was just a little too much on the stormy side of discomfort. I do like a good 'Stormy, stormy night', but alone in the middle of nowhere it is cause for concern.
Unfortunately, when i pitched the tent is was a beautiful afternoon, so i had not paid too much attention too the depth of the pegs, or indeed using all the pegs to ensure optimum resistance against wind and rain.
I woke about 2am with the side of the tent folding in and a small river running through and along the floor of tent. Minor concern, but not too worried, i and my sleeping side of the tent was still dry.
As i investigated i also realiaed my head torch was low on battery, so if there was an emergency, like the tent blowing away, i would not
beable to see. Not good. so i put the torch on charge and tried to get back to sleep, cozy in my bag, listening to the sounds of nature.
I did survive the night and woke to a bleak morning, Dreich as we would day in Scotland.
I packed up in the tent and got the tent down as quick as i could. The rain didnt seem to deter the sandflies, or perhaps it did and they could have been soooo much worse.
Today was a walk mostly through farm land to Birchwood. Had a bit of fun with the sheep, stupidly running away from me along the track. I tried to explain to them, its a another 10km in that direction, would be so much easier if they just moved to one side. Dumb animals.
Birchwood includes a hut on a farm, and as i arrived was welcomed by a new group of people. How thankful i was, because the local pub does pick ups doe groups of 2 or more. So dinner was on.
The Takitimu Tavern, what a great spot and lovely fish and chips, followed by apply crumble.
They even have an interesting feature in the male toilets, which the girls in the group were invited to go view. You'll have to visit to find out what it is. 


  1. Am loving following your walk and am both jealous of you doing it and a bit relieved I'm not at the same time.

  2. Almost there Iain! Loving the stories of your adventure :)


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