Te Araroa day 20

Enjoyed a lie in and a slow start to the day. The outdoor adventure centre at Boyle village was excellent. 8 of us stayed there last night, a mix of NOBOs and SOBOs.
4 of us headed south this morning, with the option to hitch to windy point, or walk the 10km. I walked.
It is as nice, clearly not as well trodden, due to the road option. 
Continues on up the river through the forest to the hope halfway hut.
Not one of the more modern huts, but cute, and it a nice spot 
and it has a view too
19km today. Feels like enough. Could have pushed on another 6km to the more popular hope kiwi lodge, fancy new flash hut. But will save my legs for tomorrow and I suspect enjoy a quiet night in by myself.


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