Te Araroa day 33

An early start as we had a long day ahead, wanting to get to Tekapo before the shops shut.
Alex was up at 5am, but it was still dark and no way I was going to try to navigate the river and speargrass in the dark. It was wait until sunrise.
Shortly after 6am I headed off. Alex and Jane had left earlier. 
I caught up with them and pressed on, I was feeling good and keen to make progress, push myself a bit with a good pace. Michael continued on with me and kept a few metres behind me all the way to the road, 20km. 
We didn't stop much and kept a good pace all the way.
I was still feeling strong, but with 12km on road still to go I knew it was going to be a long slog to Tekapo.
Then a car appeared behind us, racing up the gravel road like a rally driver. He came skidding to a halt next to us and Alex and Jane appeared smiling out of the windows. We jumped in very thankful for the ride. 5km knocked off in no time, just a few Kms left to walk, past the good shepherd church across the bridge and then what felt like an age to get to the campsite. 
Arrive in perfect time for lunch, well ahead of where I expected we'd arrive.


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