Te Araroa day 26

Off again after another rest day at Bealey hotel. Very relaxing day, finished reading outlander (book 1) between naps. Even binge watched a few episodes last night.

Had a lovely double lamb shank and couple of glasses of wine. Purely to support the local business of course. It was very quiet, with mostly coast to coasters out for a weekend of training, but still not enough to make it feel busy.
I was the only one staying in the Moa Lodge accommodation. Surprising for a Saturday night.

Today was a good walk, 25km into the Hamilton Hut. Which is certainly one of the larger huts on the TA. Once again some epic scenery.. from the sunrise as I left.
To the top of the hill looking north.

And west.

Passed what might be the oldest hut on the TA. The tin roof was made in Gt Britain - Newport. I worked there for a bit back in early 1990s.
The Hamilton Hut is a bit more spectacular. With 3 story bunks and a massive fire place.


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