Te Araroa day 27

Early start this morning to get from Hamilton Hut to Harper campsite, also known as trustpower camp.
Being picked up by Wayne to bypass the Rakaia river which cannot be crossed.
Nice 20km walk following the Harper river, lost the track few times and a lot of river crossing so more wet feet. They seem to be well used to it now.
Made good time, arrived about midday to find Jane also waiting.
Beautiful scenery in the road trip round. Pitty there is no track that can be followed past Lake Coleridge. It would have been a long hot road section.
From drop off another 10km up over a saddle and down to hut. It was very hot and ascended more the 700m in 6km to reach the top of the saddle. Great view looking back to the Rakaia river valley.
The scenery has certainly changed from beech forest to tussock.
I do love this scenery. So epic and hard to capture in a photo.
Reached the hut very tired late in the day. What an awesome little 3 bunk hut - not surprisingly call The A frame hut.
Very tidy inside, new windows front and back. Very few sandflies, so managed to have dinner sitting on a rock as the sun set behind the mountains.
Special times.


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