Te Araroa day 28

A very hot day. Started early as I knew it was going to be a long walk today. First part was lovery, gently undulating along the valley.
some nice rock features along the way
A right turn and followed the Round Hill Creek, walking mostly in the river. Another day of wet feet :)
The water was clear and running low so easy enough for crossing or just walking in the river.
As the sun appeared above the mountains surrounding the creek the temperature rose, then I left the river as I climbed the saddle.
it was a slog to the top and a long way back down the other side, sidling the scree.
If you look closely to the right of the sun line you can see the path through the scree.Lower in the decent I came across a mine field of speargrass. These are nasty, appropriately named. They do just spear your legs.
Why something evolved to be so defensive I have no idea. It clearly does not want to be eaten. So what does it do? I shall continue to ponder this.
Reached double hut 7hr 30mins after leaving. 
Didn't stop for lunch so was tired and very hungry.
Duke of Edinburgh group at hut, and will be camping outside. Otherwise all alone.
Jane and Alex (new sobo friend today) continues to manuka hut to be closer to exit via road tomorrow.
I am looking forward to getting the Berry Hut at Lake Clearwater.


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